Introduction of Progress Module

This module is meant to track progress of your learners.

There are 3 reports under Progress Module

  1. Completion
  2. Assignments
  3. Quiz Report

Completion Report

This is where you can track how many modules were completed by your learners. Click on view details to see details about which modules are completed and which are not.


When your learners submit an assignment, you will get an email notification. Once you get an email notification, “Assignment” report is where you can check the assignment submitted by learners.

You can download their assignments, review it and submit your feedback.

Note that, at present, when you give feedback, your customers are not notified by email. Its best that after checking all assignments, you let your learners know that the feedback is available. They can go to the content dashaboard to see the feedback.

Quiz Report

Here you will find the result of quiz attempts by your customers. You will see the score for each attempt. Details will show which question was answered correctly and incorrectly.

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