How to add Upsell

This article outlines the steps to add an upsell page to your product funnel.

Step 1: From the products dashboard, click on Funnels.

Step 2: This will take you to the Sales Funnel created for your product. By default, it has three pages – a Sales page, a checkout page, and a thank you page. Click on the “Add Page” button available in the top-right corner.

Step 3: Add an upsell page. This process is similar to adding any other page, but it requires additional configuration to create a functional funnel (as discussed in later steps). Once you have added the page, you need to move it between the Checkout and Thank you pages, as that is when the upsell option should be presented to potential buyers. To move the page, simply drag it using the grab icon located on the left side of each page, as highlighted in the screenshot.

Step 4: To connect the upsell product, you will need to create a product. Let’s say you want to offer upsell Zoom live sessions. In the product dashboard, add a product specifically for Zoom live sessions. You can utilize Digital Download products for this purpose. Additionally, you have the option to include an introductory video or PDF as content to provide a description of what participants can expect during the sessions.

Step 5: In the pricing section, define two prices for the newly added product. One should be the regular price, which can be used if anyone wants to purchase the product separately. The second price should be of the type “Exclusive.” This type of pricing is specifically used for upselling purposes.

Step 6: Go back to the upsell page that you previously added. Click on the “Change Template” button. Then, apply one of the upsell templates to this page.

Step 7: After applying a template to the page, return to the upsell page and open the page editor. Here, you can modify your copy and make any necessary changes. Additionally, you need to switch the button type from “Regular” to “Upsell”. By changing the product type to upsell, a list of available product prices for upselling will be displayed. Choose a price from the list. Finally, you can publish the changes once you are satisfied with the modifications.

Step 8: The final step is to link the upsell page to the checkout page and the upsell page to the thank you page. To link the upsell page to the checkout page, copy the URL of the upsell page and add it to the “redirect URL” field in the checkout block settings.

Similarly, copy the URL of the thank you page and add it to the “redirect URL” field in the upsell button settings. This option can be found within the upsell button settings.

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