How to make your site GDPR compliant?

Introduction #

If you are a business owner who does business in UK Europe and other countries that require you to follow GDPR laws then make sure that your website is GDPR compliant. This article will give you a general guidance on how you can keep your site GDPR compliant. Note – this is not a legal advice. Business owners are responsible for keeping their site compliant.

To comply with the regulations governing cookies under the GDPR, you must receive users’ consent before you use any cookies except strictly necessary cookies.

As noted in GPDR official site “The rules regulating cookies are still being set, and cookies themselves are continually evolving, which means maintaining a current cookie policy will be a continuous job. However, properly informing your users about the cookies your site is using and, when necessary, receiving their consent will keep your users happy and keep you GDPR-compliant.”

Because the laws concerning GDPR are still evolving, we recommend using consent popup from cookie-script. This will track all cookies on your site and keep the popup up to date as per law changes.

Enlitly offers a few features via third party services. Read below to know more about these features.

Google Translate Feature #

Enlitly offers a feature to enable google translate. This option can be turned ON/OFF by going to Site > Global Settings > Enable/disable Google Translate. The google translate is a third party service from google. If you do enable this feature, you are required to install cookie-consent popup and acquire user consent in order to show the translation drop down.

Tracking Feature #

Enlitly offers tracking feature which enables business owners to track city, region and country of the visitor. This feature is faciliated via third party service This feature does not track any personally-identifying information like email, phone etc, however, since it involves the use of third party, we recommend including information about ipinfo in your privacy policy.

Privacy Policy #

Apart from above features, there are a few more third party services that we use. Its advisable to let users know how the data is being collected, transferred and how you intent to use the data. Describing a clear usage of data tracked will help you stay complaint. We recommend including information about the use of google translator and the use of ipinfo as well as any other third party information in your privacy policy. You may refer to Enlitly’s privacy policy under “Data Collection” title to see all the features faciliated via third party as well as information about our server locations.

Embedding Third Party Code #

If you embed any third party code on your site, we recommend you to mention the usage of third party code in your privacy policy.

Embedding Cookie Consent Popup #

Refer to this article to see detailed steps on how to use Cookie consent code on your Enlitly site pages.

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