Adding a product

This article demonstrates how to add a product in the Enlitly platform.

Creating a product in your business is easy and simple on the Enlitly platform. This help document contains step by step process of creating a product.

Step 1: Click ‘Add product’ at the top right corner, this will open a dialog box as shown below,

Step 2: Enter a product name, description, and the type of the product. Refer to this article to see which type of product to use. Click on the ‘Add’ button to add a new product. Your product name is used to generate sales, checkout, and thank you page URL. We recommend using short two words for your product/program name e.g. “Coaching Kickstarter”. More details about the product/program can go in the product description.

Both product name and product description can be modified afterward if needed however type of product can not be changed.

Whenever a new product is added, the platform automatically creates the below site pages,

  1. Sales page
  2. Checkout page
  3. Thank you page

The system also generates a “purchase email” sequence with one email and automation to let the system know where to add the contact. More details are covered in a separate article.

Click on the Product Image to change it.

The Manage button will take you to a dashboard where you can add content.

When a course is ready, click on the ‘Publish’ button to publish the course. This will make the course visible on the Home page and All products page.

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