How to add Coupons in Enlitly

You can add unlimited coupons in Enlitly, in all plans. To create a coupon, go to Pricing >> Manage Coupons

Before you add a new coupon, remember to connect Stripe account, especially if you want to create a coupon for a recurring price.

System will not show error if you don’t connect your stripe account, although its clearly mentioned on the coupon section. This is becuase you can create coupon without Stripe connected but that can be used only for one time prices. We need stripe connected for recurring price.

Coupon Code: Enter a unique coupon name without space e.g. SPRING60OFF. Each coupon has to be unique.

Discount: Enter the discount %. This can be any value between 1 to 100.

Yes, you can create a 100% coupon, but remember that system will still ask your customers to enter card information if you are using Stripe.

At present, we are unable to process a 100% coupon via Stripe and without card information.

However, 100% coupon will work without card when using Paypal.

Expiry Date: Leave empty to create a never expire coupon or enter coupon expiry date, which is in future. You are allowed to enter expiry date which is atleast +1 day from today.

Duration: Select Once, repeating or forever option.

Once is applicable for one time prices and recurring prices. It implies that coupon will be applied only first time. If a price is recurring, the second payment will be processed at full price.

Repeating is applicable for recurring price. Using this option, you can specify, how many times you want to apply the coupon. This is applicable in case of a recurring price.

Forever is applicable for recurring price. Again, using forever option will give your customers, a life time discount on recurring prices.

Duration in Months – This option is applicable only when duration is repeating. Using this option, you can issue X month discount on recurring prices.

Products – Attach the products for which you want to offer discount. You can attach same coupon to multiple products.

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