Product Settings

There is a lot that can be done in the product settings. When you click on “Manage” a product, you will see a dashboard where you can add modules and lessons. On this screen, you will see the product setting option on the top right of the dashboard.

Here you can configure

a. Access end date

b. Order Bumps

d. Show Content

e. Show Community

f. Show Members

Access End Date

There are two ways to set an access end date

a. By a specific date: If you have a group program that starts and ends at a specific date, you can choose this option to end access for all.

b. By days: If you want each customer to have access to your product for the next X days after the date of purchase, set up this option. This is perfect if you run an evergreen course.

Note that, resetting access end dates or days will not reset the end date for customers whose end date is already in past.

Order Bumps

Adding Order Bump in Enlitly is a piece of cake. All you need to do is – add bumped products here.

Note: The bumped product should have the same payment gateway attached and should be in the same currency. The first pricing is picked as the order bump price.

Show Content, Community, and Members

If you would like to convert your course or digital file content into a membership or a community, all you want to do is enable options in the product settings.

Enabling both “Show Content” and “Show Community” will show both content and community tab (Discussion + Announcement) on the dashboard.

In case you want to create a community-only product, you can disable “Show Content”. Disabling “show content” will hide the content tab from the dashboard.

Enabling the “Show Members” option will let other customers see who all are in the membership.

Finally, click on “Save changes” to save the product settings.

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