Email Broadcast in Enlitly

Email Broadcast in Enlitly allows you to send bulk emails to your contacts. Email marketing can work wonders for your business, if done properly and regularly.

Before you start sending broadcast emails, here is what we recommend

  1. Always use a custom domain email, because then you have some control over domain reputation. A good domain reputation will help improve your email deliverablity.
  2. Set up your DNS settings for the custom email. Here is a full article explaining what you should do to improve deliverability rate and avoid landing in spam folders.

Now once you have your domain email ready, the very first step in Enlitly is to verify your email. This verification is different that account email verification. We use Amazon SES as our email delivery service, and we need each and every email verified with Amazon. You can use multiple emails to send emails from Enlitly but all of them have to be verified.

Next, you can compose an email using a default template. When you use a default template, system picks your address from your business (This is something you enter when creating a new business). You can always change your address directly in the email.

System also picks your social media settings from the site module.

Note: System will not make updates to address or social media links once the email has been created. This is done intentionaly becuase we don’t want to overiride any changes that you may have a done while adding the email. If you want system to pick up latest settings, simply delete and recreate the email again. The default template always picks the latest setting at the time of email creation.

You have option to save as draft, schedule the broadcast or send email immediately.

Note that all schedules are in UTC/GMT time. If you choose to schedule emails, convert your desired time to UTC/GMT time.

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