Working with Element blocks

In this article, we will cover how to use element blocks while building or editing a site in Enlitly.

Click on ‘All block’- or click on to add a new block,

Select the block tagged as “Element”. Drag it onto the page. Wait till it gets added on the main page.

Once the block is added, you have the ability to add ‘row’ as shown below,

Red color depicts control for the row. By default, the system adds one column to along with the row. Once the row is added to the block, click on ‘add column’ to add more columns to the rows.

Blue color depicts control for the column. You can add 6 columns in a row.

Once you decide the number of columns to add, click on ‘Add elements’ to add elements to the column. This will open a list of elements that you can add to the column.

From the list of available elements, drag the one that you want. A red line on the page will indicate the location where you are about to drop the element.

In this case, we will add two columns – one column with image and the other with text,

Once elements are added, you can modify elements according to your need. Green color outline depicts elements.

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