Uploading Content

You can upload below content types in Enlitly.

When you click on any of the above options, a pop-up will show up. This popup will show all files available in the media library for the selected category. E.g. clicking on the video will show up all video files, the image will show all image files, and so on.

Obviously, when you use this option the first time, you will not see any file here. Start by uploading your file using “Upload File”.

The current size limit of a video file is 1GB, size of audio is 25 MB. There is no limit to how many files you can upload. You may use Handbrake to compress your video files if it goes beyond 1 GB. In most cases, 1 GB is a very good size limit.

Once you have uploaded the file, click on the file. This will add the file from Media Library to your lesson.

All your files uploaded in the system will reside in the Media library. You can remove a file from the lesson but the actual file will still remain in the library unless you explicitly delete it from Media Library.

Key things to note:

You can mark video and audio as downloadable or not downloadable using the down arrow mark next to the delete button. This option is specific to Video and Audio only.

You can drag and drop your content to rearrange the content sequence within a lesson.

Some key differences between Assignment, Download, and PDF:

Your customer can download an assignment and upload his work back into the system. You will be notified whenever a customer uploads an assignment.

Downloads can be any type of file that your customers can download. We have tried to support commonly used formats but if you need any special format, reach out to us at [email protected]. We will verify and add it to the safe list.

PDFs in Enlily are readable PDF formats. Your customers can read the pdf directly on the screen without downloading it. The below screenshot is an example of a readable PDF.

Working with Text Editor is covered in a separate article here.

The quiz in Enlitly is a graded quiz. Working with quiz is again covered in a separate article.

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