Media library in Enlitly is one place where all your content is stored.
All of your files are divided into 6 categories
- Image
- Video
- Audio
- Assignments
- Downloads
Images from media library are shown at places where you can use images. e.g. Product image and site images etc.
Similarly, video files are shown wherever you can use video files, e.g. Inside your course, on your site pages.
Assignments, Downloads and PDFs are specifically used in product content. Check the articles in the product module to see how these 3 differ from each other.
There are couple of other things that you can do in Media Library
- Make your file private or public – Making file public vs private is applicable in some specifci scenerios as described below.
– You want to share a direct file link to your users. Private files are not accessible by other users. Ocassionally, you may want to share a specific file with your audience. You can make your files public, copy the url and share it with your users
– You want to use image links in emails. In order to include images in emails, you need public images
– You want to use a specific image as a social media preview image. Private images are not cached properly on social media platform like Facebook. Whenever you upload an image as a preview image on your site page, we make the image public.
- Upload captions for your video
Uploading caption to your video allows you to show caption in multiple languages. If you video is in English and your audience is spanish speaker, you can upload spanish caption. How to generate caption from YouTube is covered in a separate article.
Note that deleting any media here will delete the actual file from the system. This means if the file is used elsewhere in your site or in your product, it will be deleted.