Defining Custom Fields

In this article, we will cover how to define custom fields.

When you click on Manage Fields, system will show you this screen. It will show you system defined fields. You can modify a few parameters in system field, but majority of them are not editable. This is becuase we use system fields for multiple purposes. One of the use is when recording purchase transaction.

Here is what you will see when you try to edit system generated field:

You will notice that only Label and Required status can be edited (except for email field in which only label can be edited. By default email is required)

Now to add a new field, click on Add new field as highlighted in the below screenshot:

Once you click on “Add New Field”, you will see below entries

A unique name – Each field is uniquely identified by this name. This is the field used by system to match column header during the import. e.g. if you have defined a field with a unique name “Phone”, system will look for this field in your import excel top row. If it doesn’t find a match, system will give a field mismatch message.

Label – Label text is visible on the form. e.g. Enter Your Email.

Merge Tag – Merge tag is used to replace field name with the actual field value. E.g. Merge tag $first_name wil be replaced by the contact name. Merge tags are used in emails.

Type – Type of the field. E.g. Text, Number, Dropdown.

The Dropdown type will show “Add option” which you can use to add multiple types in the dropdown.

System will save the information, when you click on save. The newly added field will now appear as a field that you can add to a form. It will also show up when you click on edit contact.

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