Enlighten Minds with Enlitly!
In this article, we’ll cover the features of the email editor and how to use it.
When you open the site editor, you’ll find several options on the top right and left sides. Let’s break down their functions.
Blocks are the foundational containers for elements like images and text. We’ve pre-created several blocks, so you don’t have to. You’ll find these under the “All Blocks” option on the top left. Simply drag and drop them into your email. We highly recommend starting with an existing template, so you don’t have to do all the work creating a new block.
You can also start from scratch using the “Build” option, which automatically adds a row and column to a block. Here’s what that looks like:
Here we have added a new block to an existing template.
Blocks can be further customized with the following options:
Here’s an example after adding another column and adjusting the block color and width :
To add elements, select the “All Elements” option in the site editor. Drag and drop elements like images or text into columns. After adding elements, you can further customize their layout, such as adjusting cell padding for equal spacing around the elements.
Each element offers its own customization settings.
Customizing Text:
To customize text, use the built-in text editor. If copying text from another source (e.g., Word), we recommend pasting it into a notepad first to remove any unwanted formatting. Alternatively, you can clear the formatting using “Clear Formatting” option in the text editor. Always start fresh with the text editor to avoid formatting issues.
Default settings:
You can also use personalization tags in the text editor. e.g. $first_name, $unsubscribe, etc. Here is a list of tags available in the system
Text editor has several formatting options. Most of them are straightforward to use and work as a toggle button e.g. bold, italic, bullet etc. So, select the text and toggle the button.
Customizing Images:
Image URL: Upload images to free hosting sites like https://postimages.org and use the direct URL.
Its advisable to use light weight compressed images because they load faster. We love https://imagecompressor.com/ for compressing images because it retains quality after compression,
Redirect Option: Leave empty if you don’t want the image to be clickable, or enter a URL to enable redirection.
Width: Adjust image width as needed.
Customizing Buttons:
Color: Change button color.
URL & Text Editing: Done via the text editor. There is no separate redirect URL option for buttons; add links via the text editor.
Customizing Divider:
Color: Adjust the divider color.
Customizing Social Media:
You can enable or disable social media channels and add your links. This is a global setting, so changes here will also reflect in the site editor (if you’re using a dynamic social media block on your site).
We’ve introduced a few templates to help you get started quickly. Select a template, click “Apply,” and your design is ready.
You can save your email as a template for future use. This must be done before sending the email, as sent emails become view-only.
A simple undo and redo option is available for quick edits. Note that this undo and redo option is not applicable for text redo and undo. For text redo and undo, you can use ctrl + z or use undo redo options in the text editor itself.
Also, note that after “Select and Apply a Template” or “Save as a Template”, undo redo option will not revert back to previous state. This is because we reload the page and do not retain the last state at reload.
To verify the “sent from” email using Amazon SES, we use a two-step verification process—one with Amazon SES and one with the Enlitly business. For multiple businesses using the same “sent from” email, additional verifications will be required.
The Switch Editor is best used when you want to create plain text emails with minimal HTML. To do this, switch to the new editor, clear any existing code using the <> (code) option in the text editor, and start with plain text. Please note that if you switch back to the new editor, the text from the old editor will not be retained. To use the Enlitly’s new editor, you must use Enlitly templates.
Here, you can specify the “From Name,” “From Email,” “Subject Line,” and “Preview Text.” You can also set the email as a draft or schedule it for later, either by drip sequence or by a specific date.
You also need to attach the List here in case of broadcast emails.
Changes are only saved when you click “Save.” While the editor autosaves at certain points (e.g., sending a test email or applying a template), it’s best practice to save frequently to avoid losing work.
Be sure to save your email before viewing it in a browser.
You can send a test email to check the content. The test email will include “Test email” in the subject line, and personalization tags will remain unchanged. Its by design.
Once you’re ready, send the broadcast email. This action closes the editor and queues your emails. To view delivery results, check the “View Delivery Report” option in the email section.
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